Should You Or Should You Not Keep A Wedding Journal?


No matter how big your wedding day is, no matter how many pictures get taken and how much video gets recorded it’s just going to be tough to remember a lot of details about your big day years from now. But it doesn’t even have to be the wedding, it can be anything and everything that lead up to the wedding and shortly after the wedding.


wedding journal

Most couple never even consider this, but keeping a wedding journal can be a great way to create a keepsake that will live on forever and serve to strengthen a couples bond even more. It gives both parties a chance to unload, but also to make sure nothing they want to remember about what they experience or how they feel is forgotten.

It create appreciation, a chance so share feeling a couple might have been afraid to share before and a chance to relive any moment of being engaged or getting married you want so much better than pictures can.

Pictures are good, but your personal thoughts are the window to your feelings and when someday you decide to share what you wrote or some of the deeper things you wrote, then you’re talking about a whole new level of intimacy that a lot of couples never experience. It creates vulnerability, but this is a good thing because making yourself vulnerable to your spouse means trust. It will make for a stronger relationship. In case you aren’t sure if having a wedding journal is something you want to do we urge you to consider some of the below questions.


Are you someone who enjoys the wedding planning process and if so do you want to make sure you chronicle every aspect of it?

Everything from picking a wedding dress, selecting a venue and realizing when you’ve found the perfect one, deciding on a cake design and guest list can be chronicled in a wedding journal. You can write about the up and downs as you want, but do so in a thoughtful way.


Every celebration that takes place during your engagement is going to be something to remember, do you believe you can relive this without chronicling it?

Think about how it feels to ask someone to be your best man or maid of honor. Think about how it feels to let your parents know you’re engaged or to tell longtime friends you’re engaged. All of these experiences are very powerful and will resonate. You may struggle to remember the feeling if you don’t chronicle it in a wedding journal.

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